21 Mayıs 2013 Salı

World Heritage Rammelsberg Mining Museum

To get a taste of "Zeche Lohberg" we went to "Rammelsberg" last week!
 The atmosphere was cold, clammy, closely and dark – good for us, that we had a guided tour ;)
We hope that we can share some impression with you! – Here are some pictures!

"The ore mines of the Rammelsberg are the only mines in the world which were in uninterrupted operation for over 1000 years. It and the medieval Old Town of Goslar with the Imperial Palace were placed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1992. Ten centuries of mining history are documented in the Rammelsberg, which shut down in 1988, leaving a large inventory of mining monuments: the slag heaps (10th century), the Rathstiefste Gallery (one of the oldest and best maintained galleries of German mining, 12th century), the Feuergezähe Vault (oldest underground stone-masonry mine chamber in Europe, 13th century), the Maltermeister Tower (the oldest above ground structure of German mining, 15th century), the Roeder Gallery (18th/19th century) with two original water wheels, and the above ground mining plant from the 1930’s.
With its wealth of nearly 30 million tonnes of ore the Rammelsberg influenced the history and development of the town of Goslar. The silver- and copper-rich Rammelsberg gave Heinrich II the impetus to establish a royal palatinate here in the 11th century; in 1009 the first imperial diet was held in Goslar. Goslar was a favourite residence of German kings and emperors until 1253. Trade in metals led to membership in the Hanseatic League."

Information Rammelsberg

6 Mayıs 2013 Pazartesi

Hello again from Brunswick!
we met in brunswick again to concretise our projects more and more.
We want deliver insight into our plans – hope you enjoy it!


Suzan E.
Die Ankunft/The Arrival
"Herkesin haberi olsun ben bugün gidiyorum"

"Start Spreading the news, I'm leaving today" - Frank Sinatra

Verknüpfung mit türkischen Gedichten und Zitaten.

Sunay E.

Die Ankunft/The Arrival
"Herkesin haberi olsun ben bugün gidiyorum"
Translation: "Start Spreading the news, I'm leaving today" - Frank Sinatra

Verknüpfung mit türkischen Gedichten und Zitaten.


Viktoria S.

"Sehnsucht nach Heimat"
Recherche und Zeichnungen von einer Familiengeschichte anhand von Erzählungen und Familienfotos. Zeichnungen von alten traditionellen Gegenständen, die im neuen modernen Lebensraum bzw. Haushalt vorzufinden sind.
"Longing for home"

Research and drawings of a family history based on family stories and photos.
Drawings of old traditional objects that can be found in the new modern living space or budget.


Nina S.

"Eine Mustersammlung"
Muster, Ornamente/ Gegenstände/Architektur,

I'm interested in patterns and ornaments and their historical backgrounds. When I visited Istanbul about a year ago, I loved the excessive use of patterns in pottery, architecture and fashion in Turkish culture and the symbols with different meanings behind these patterns.
In Lohberg I would like to look for patterns in architecture and culture first and then try to create my own designs– maybe even while using different techniques like drawing or creating mosaics from found objects.


Hayo Ge.

Geschichten aus Lohberg,

In my project "Seeking traces - Stories from Lohberg" I will look for proof of what has happened or might have happened in the coal-mines and around the area. I will try to combine historical events with my interpretation of clues, that I can find during my visit.

Anna B.

Mutation/Fusion - wie formt Architektur den Menschen?
Eine zeichnerische Auseinandersetzung mit der Zechen-Architektur und den Anwohnern Lohbergs
Beobachtungen umgebungsbedingter Eigenarten

Mutation and fusion - how does architecture shape a human?
a graphical analysis of coal-mine-architecture and the residents of Lohberg.
reflection of environmental characteristics.


Rebecca H.
Kulturkonservierung - Wie nehmen Besucher aus der Türkei die Bewahrung ihrer Kultur durch türkischstämmige Deutsche wahr? Eine zeichnerische und schriftliche Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema.

Cultureconservation -  How do visitors from turkey perceive the culture of turkish people living in germany?

Undine S.

Kartografie von Spaziergängen mit Anwohner
"Fußwege, Schleichwege, Nichtwege"  - ein Zechenspaziergang mit Anwohnern Lohbergs
Die meisten Wege auf denen wir laufen, sind von Anderen vorgefertigte Ideen, wie wir laufen sollen.
Ich möchte mit ca. 10 Anwohnern Lohbergs einen Spaziergang auf dem Zechengelände machen, bei dem wir gezielt andere Wege, als die anscheinend logischen suchen. Ich würde gerne mit einem türkischen Studenten/in zusammenarbeiten, der/die uns begleitet und mit mir die Spaziergänge kartografiert. Am Ende werden die gezeichneten Karten ausgestellt.

"Footpaths, Hidden Paths, Non-Paths" - a walk on the coal mine with residents from Lohberg
Most paths we walk are predetermined ideas by other people how we are supposed to walk.
I would like to take around 10 of Lohberg´s residents on a walk on the site of the old coal mine, where we will aim to to choose different paths then the ones who appear most logical. I would like to collaborate with one of the Turkish students, who will accompany us  on our walk and who will map the walks with me as a cartography. We will exhibit the drawn maps at the end.


Mariano E.

Geschichten von Untertage,
zeichnerisch/fotografische Reportage

"Miner's Yarn"-Stories from the underground to the pithead
(charcoal drawings and photographs)

Lisa T.
"Zwischen Spiegelei und Baklava"
Augenblicke des türkischen Alltags, heute und gestern
Zeichnerische Reportage
Mein konkretes Vorhaben ist es, mich in Lohberg aufzuhalten, um den Ort und seine Menschen zu charakterisieren. Wie ist er durch seine Bewohner geprägt, wo genau ist die türkische Kultur verborgen, z.B. durch die Moschee, in der Gastronomie, beim Einkauf etc. und was leben dort für Personen? Im besten Fall findet ein Vergleich zwischen typisch türkischer und in Deutschland eingegliedeter Kultur statt. Eine zeichnerische Reportage soll Augenblicke des türkischen Lebens festhalten und den multikulturellen Alltag darstellen.

"From fried egg to Baklava"
Moments of Turkish daily life, in the past and today
Drawing reportage


Serine W.

"Unter Tage sind alle Menschen schwarz"
Heldengeschichten aus Lohberg, der "kleine Mann" als "Arbeitsheld", Comicgeschichten

Below Ground Everyone Is Black - A Heroic Saga

People who worked below ground for many years always describe the team spirit between the people as essentially for their working. You had to trust the ones you worked with because your live depended on it. How can we put this art of working together in our living together? Why does the colour of the skin or the religion let us trust more or less in his or her skills or character? All differences fall down if you have to trust. The people from Lohberg are maybe a good example how this can work. Some of them known each other from below ground and live together for many years. There will be some interesting stories, some Lohberg Legends. (Illustration)


Lena W.

 "Fundstücke: Sammlung/Sortierung/Muster"
3-dimensionale Objekte und Skulpturen

Vor Ort interessante Stücke auf der Zeche sammeln, diese zu Skulpturen und Objekten zusammenfügen.
Durch neue Verbindungen neue Kontexte schaffen.
Stücke Formal sortieren (Muster, Farbe; Strucktur), dadurch eventuell eine Verbindung zum "verknüpfen" schlagen.

Found Footage: Collection/ Sorting/Pattern
dimensional objects and sculptures
Looking for objects (found footage) at the lohberg area, to build sculptures and new objects.
creating a new context through new connections.
Sorting the found pieces with formal
criteria like pattern, colour, texture, to get a connection to the theme "connection/knot/carpet"


Vicky (tutor)

I think one of the most important discourse in architecture is about functional architecture and architecture as art (more than functional architecture).
I want to take advantage to the sitaution that we meet architecture students from another country. 
I am really excited to meet you!
I want to ask them: Where is the difference between functional architecture and architecture? 
For the ten days in Lohberg i have the thesis: In the past Lohberg was thought as an functional architecture. Now everything stands still and history went by … so for now i think, that Lohberg now is a kind of art. The place has characteristics of sculptural and very emotional party for me. 
I want to try to draw the development from function aspects to art aspects in Lohberg.